The Automobile Market

The automobile industry is a worldwide competitive market in which Quality and Reliability go hand in hand. All major automobile construction companies have put in place a Certification Process in order to guarantee at all times the quality of the finished product on the assembly lines.
These major companies have Return on Investment (ROI) objectives which constantly drives them to search for new suppliers who are more effective, more flexible and more efficient.
These new suppliers, often located in developing economic areas, need assistance in complying with the very specific demands of the automobile industry.

The « product » on offer from DSQC is quality guidance for these suppliers.
The market is growing fast in countries of rapid economic development. It is to be found with major manufacturers looking for local and efficient suppliers. Because of its experience, DSQConsultancy targets primarily suppliers in China and South East Asia.
The international industrial support markets.

Working with Partners (suppliers or clients) from different cultural backgrounds requires huge efforts to construct and maintain confidence. DSQConsultancy acts as an intermediary to facilitate mutual understanding and exchanges. Frequent visits to China enables DSQConsultancy to meet both parties quickly to ensure that business is understood, followed up and reported on in a timely manner. The reports according to the specific mission are completed by specific advice for problem solving.